A Puritan's Mind World Missions - by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon
Articles on the Christian Walk, Systematic Theology and Practical TheologyKnowing Christ More
Take a moment to check out these solid, biblical Christ-glorifying works that will help you draw closer to the Savior.
Grow in Knowledge
These works will help you grow in your knowledge of God.
Workbooks Like No Other
There are no other workbooks like these anywhere that will help you work through the best biblical theology.
The Great Commission of our Lord was given to the Apostles, the eleven, after the death of the traitor Judas.
Matthew 28:18-20 states, “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, “teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.”
As a result of the expectation of Messianic enthronement, and the perfection of Christ’s active obedience before the Father, He is given all authority. His first exercise of this authority, other than the teachings He gave after His resurrection, was to command the apostles to go into the world and preach – reach out to the world and tell them about the Kingdom of Christ ruling and reigning from heaven. These were some of His last recorded words and commands before He “blessed them” and ascended into heaven. (Acts 1:7-8).
Jesus Christ sent out his apostles to preach in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the utter most parts of the earth. We are to pray for the harvest, for it is plentiful. We need biblically trained ministers and theologians to go into the uttermost parts of the earth and preach the Gospel. What better way to do that than to harness the tools God has given us here through media.
In terms of missions, I believe the Lord is continuing to direct me and those who are helping in pushing A Puritan’s Mind further and further to utilize media in ways other ministries have not, or are not able to do. Please keep in mind that everything A Puritan’s Mind does is with the full knowledge of my home church and fellow elders.
With that blessing my desire is to take A Puritan’s Mind into the computers and homes of people here in the US and in foreign countries in order to preach to the pastors there, equipping them to lead their congregations faithfully, as well as helping the saints grow in Christ in places where there are no churches, or bad ones.
Without solid biblical training, God’s people cannot affect their local community. The Gospel must go to the ends of the earth.
What are we in need of? We are working to begin a video ministry that allows us to create solid biblical teaching while at the same time is more than just someone standing behind the pulpit lecturing. Dynamic programs, even dynamic sound-bytes, that people want to watch, enjoy watching, and learn through in order to come into a deeper relationship with the one true God as a result.
In our day to reach around the globe into Poland, China, Japan, Yugoslavia, or Pakistan, we need capital to effectively make all this happen with quality programs, website enhancement and video presentations. As God wills, I am personally funding as much as I can. If you can help, please consider supporting A Puritan’s Mind.
Any donations help toward the effort of bringing Reformed and Covenant Theology to people in countries and areas that simply don’t have a good place to go to church. Some people don’t even have a Bible. EVERYONE, though, has the ability to access the internet, even at internet cafes in third world countries. They don’t have a Bible, but they can get to an internet connection at the local run-down internet cafe. Amazing.
If you would like – you can use Paypal below to make a donation.
If you would like to send a donation by mail, please email me.
Dr. C. Matthew McMahon
A Puritan’s Mind Ministries
Crossville, TN