This reformed podcast is reminiscent of an Old Time Radio Program that my grandfather broadcasted for over 40 years. His radio program was called , “The Old Time Religion.” I remember listening to it as a young child. This new radio short called “The Wild Boar News Podcast” takes on the technology of today, with the same sounds that my grandfather would have remembered. It may be a bit over the top, but we should remember that Reformed Theology should be enjoyable, as well as informative. The purpose: to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ with sound bytes on Scriptural Themes, Bible teachings, church history snippets, historical and systematic theology, and any other teaching that advances the truths behind Reformation Teaching and Covenant Theology. If you like “sound bytes” then this is for you. They range from 5 minutes to 15 minutes. There are 51 of them currently.

Why is it called “The Wild Boar News Podcast?” Luther was called “The Wild Boar” for stirring up theological trouble for the Roman Catholic Church. It seemed only appropriate to name it after the Wild Boar of the Reformation. We need more wild boars stirring up Christians to think about what they intake daily from post-modern Christian groups, churches, books, and teachings. May we remember the Reformation, and the true teachings of the Gospel! Semper Reformanda – always reforming.
Visit The Wild Boar’s Blogspot: Wild Boar News Transcript
Wild Boar MP3 files, or you can use the MP3 WILD BOAR NEWS RSS FEED.
WBNP1 Luther and Intro
WBNP2 Calvin in Geneva
WBNP3 Rick Warren, Saddleback & Starbucks
WBNP4 Preaching and Dread
WBNP5 Preacher and Worship
WBNP6 Seekers Prayer
WBNP7 Promise Keepers
WBNP8 Bill Graham’s Last Sermon
WBNP9 Dan Brown and the Da Vinci Code
WBNP10 Da Vinci Code Movie and Ron Howard
WBNP11 Joel Osteen
WBNP12 Skybox Tickets
WBNP13 Controversial Movie
WBNP14 The Gospel According to Jack
WBNP15 Modalism Revived – T.D. Jakes
WBNP16 Christian Clichés
WBNP17 What is a Christian?
WBNP18 Superman Evangelism!
WBNP19 Word Faith Farm
WBNP20 Cell Phones
WBNP21 Got Peace?
WBNP22 Buying Character
WBNP23 Halloween
WBNP24 Thanksgiving Part 1
WBNP25 Thanksgiving Part 2
WBNP26 Thanksgiving Part 3
WBNP27 Thanksgiving Part 4
WBNP28 Christ-mass Part 1
WBNP29 No More Evangelists?
WBNP30 False Teachers Are So Humble
WBNP31 Vows and Oaths
WBNP32 Gospel Content
WBNP33 Legalism & Obedience
WBNP34 Hearing the Shepherd’s Voice
WBNP35 The Lord’s Supper Part 1
WBNP36 The Lord’s Supper Part 2 – Calvin’s View
WBNP37 How much do you REALLY love Jesus?
WBNP38 Do you REALLY know the Gospel?
WBNP39 Feeling Traditional?
WBNP40 Future Trends Every Pastor Should Know
WBNP41 Halloween: The Way of the Heathen
WBNP42 Bad Plagiarists of the Reformation
WBNP43 Remembering the Reformation
WBNP44 During Xmas, Owe No Man Anything
WBNP45 The Wild Boar News Podcast Xmas Edition 2007
WBNP46 The New Year 2008
WBNP47 Small Groups – The Abdication of Pastoral Responsibility
WBNP48 The Wild Boar News Podcast Easter Edition 2008
WBNP49 The Glamorization of the Ministry
WBNP50 Exit Interview – A Reformed Pastor Leaves the Ministry Because He Can’t Afford Not To
DVD Wow A Little Humor
WBNP51 Xmas or Christ-mass?