The Christian Steward
What the Bible says about You and MoneyFinancial Stewardship
Job tells us, “Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble,” (Job. 14:1). This is especially poignant on the problem of finances, and our desire not to be impoverished if “we can help it.” Being poor is difficult. So, what does God require of us in lieu of financial stewardship? What does the Bible really say about all of this?
In our day and age, one of the most neglect topics and ill treated duties of the Christian Faith is financial stewardship. What does the Bible say about God and Money? Jesus spoke myriads about the topic, and used many illustrations about money for the benefit of the people. How good are you as a steward of God’s possessions? The warning comes now: you will not like what you read in these articles because they reach into your savings accounts, wallets, purses and possessions. Is that what you want to study?
The basic etymology of the word oikonomos meaning “steward,” comes from two root words oikos (house) and nomos (law). As if to say that the steward is one who is the “law over the house,” and all that is associated with the house. He is given authority over the household but does not own the household.
The “steward” (rci, sar, is usually rendered “prince;” epitropon, oikonomon (a steward)), one who manages the affairs or superintends these household of another, as Eliezer of Damascus did that of Abraham (Genesis 15:2). Great confidence was reposed in those who held such an office, and here Paul describes Christian ministers as the stewards of God over his Church and family (Titus 1:7). Believers also are described as stewards of God’s gifts and graces, to dispense the benefits of them to the world (1 Peter 4:10). Our Lord frequently uses the responsibilities belonging to the office of a steward for the purpose of illustrating his reasoning. In the parable of the unjust steward, who defrauds his master by collusion with the debtors (Luke 16), the illustration is confined to the policy of the conduct pursued, and no inference can be drawn respecting its moral propriety. (On the proverbial dishonesty of modern Oriental wakkils or agents of this kind, see Thomson, Land and Book, 1, 517 sq.) The exhortation which follows is merely advice to manage worldly goods with such liberality and generosity as will promote the cause of true piety, Christian charity, and enlightened benevolence, and not to exercise the rights of property too harshly. See the monographs on this passage cited by Danz, Wörterb. s.v. “Lucas,” Nos. 76-93. (Biblical Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, by McClintok and Strong).
But, what do you think about being a good steward? Are you one? Are you a Scrooge? Are you a liberal and cheerful giver? Do you have two mites to offer up, or are you destitute? What does God say about all that? Here, we find the Bible says quite a lot about money. We would do well to listen.
- A Closer Look At The Widow’s Offering: Mark 12:41-44 – by Geoffrey Smith
- An Inducement Against Earthlimindedness – by David Clarkson (1622-1686)
- Christian Charity Enforced – by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
- Directions Concerning Immoderate Joy for Worldly Comforts – by Christopher Love (1618-1651)
- Is Gambling a Sin? – by Dr. Wilhelmus a’Brakel (1635-1711)
- Long Quotes on Wealth From Throughout Church History
- Love Not the World – by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon
- Luke’s Attitude Towards the Rich and the Poor – by Warren Heard Northbrook, II
- Our Obligations to God and Man – by Rev. Edward Payson (1783-1827)
- Riches Increased By Giving – by Thomas Gouge (1609-1681)
- Short Quotes on Wealth From Church History
- That Which God Hath Lent Thee: The Puritans and Money – by Leland Ryken
- The Early Church and “Wealth”
- The Early Church and Ideas About Alms-giving
- The Ethics of Inflation – by William J. Larkin, Jr.
- The Saint and the World – by Rev. John Arndt
- The Salaries of Ministers – by Francis Turretin (1623-1687)
- The Successful Seaman – by John Flavel (1630-1691)
- The Worldly Middle – by Dr. John Oakes
- Thoughts on Money by Charles Spurgeon
- Wealth and Riches – by Dr. Thomas Manton (1620-1677)
- What is Money? – by Dr. Ronald Nash
- Which World Am I a Citizen of? – by Rev. John Arndt