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Reformed Book Sellers

The Best Reformed Books on the Planet
Today, many Christians are turning back to the puritans to, “walk in the old paths,” of God’s word, and to continue to proclaim old truth that glorifies Jesus Christ. There is no new theology. In our electronic age, more and more people are looking to add electronic books (ePubs, mobi and PDF formats) to their library – books from the Reformers and Puritans – in order to become a “digital puritan” themselves. Take a moment to visit Puritan Publications (click the banner below) to find the biggest selection of rare puritan works updated in modern English in both print form and in multiple electronic forms. There are new books published every month. All proceeds go to support A Puritan’s Mind.
Where to buy Reformed Books online… and other books.

We are blessed as Christians today. That doesn’t mean the church is perfect, or there are not issues we need to correct and reform. The Bible teaches us everything we need for “life and godliness” as the Apostle Peter instructs us. To understand what is required, we not only engage in hermeneutics and study of the Bible, or hear good sermons each Sunday, (Lord willing that we are sitting under good preaching), but we have today the ability to read the best Reformation materials that have ever been written or published. Technology allows us to condense material into tiny electronic bytes, and that ability has lead to the propagation of the best Reformed literature in the history of the church. At Puritan Publications, we are choosing to publish only the best Reformed Literature. We carefully transcribe these works from the original Old English, and then update them to reflect easier reading without losing the intention of the author. These are some of the best and most powerful biblical works ever produced in the history of the Christian church. We are truly blessed to have such materials at our fingertips.

The Best Purtian and Reformed Books in Modern Print

The best print and eBook site for classic puritan works gently updated for the modern reader is Puritan Publications.
 Puritan Publications’ eBooks
 Puritan Publications’ Hardback and paperback books
 Puritan wares of all kinds – hoodies, mugs, mousepads and more…
Discover the Timeless Wisdom of the Puritans: Unveiling the 17th Century’s Spiritual Treasures at Puritan Publications.

Step into a world of profound spiritual enlightenment with our remarkable collection of updated Reformed and Puritan works from the 17th century, now available in both print and ebook formats. Immerse yourself in the eloquent prose and reflective biblical insights of these influential writers, and experience the transformative biblical power of the Spirit of God in their timeless words.

At Puritan Publications, we are passionate about preserving and sharing the wisdom of the Puritans, who were renowned for their deep spiritual devotion and rigorous pursuit of a godly life. Our meticulously curated collection includes a vast array of masterpieces that touch upon a wide range of subjects, including all aspects of theology, godly meditation, Christian living, various sermon compilations, and much more.

Whether you prefer the tactile experience of turning pages or the convenience of digital reading, our collection caters to all literary preferences. Our beautifully crafted print editions are meticulously designed, allowing you to savor the aesthetic and tactile pleasures of a physical book. For those who crave the convenience of portable libraries, our ebooks offer instant access to these cherished works, anytime and anywhere.

Each edition is expertly edited, ensuring accurate preservation of the original text while making the language more accessible to modern readers by gently updating the language without losing the intention of the author. We have taken great care to retain the essence of the Puritan spirit, allowing you to delve deep into their profound teachings, glean wisdom from their experiences, and find inspiration for your own spiritual journey before the face of Jesus Christ.

Discover the Puritan legacy that has shaped countless lives for centuries. Uncover the rich tapestry of spiritual truths woven within these works and experience personal growth, enhanced faith, and a deeper connection with God. Embrace the treasure trove of spiritual insights awaiting you within the pages of our exceptional Puritan collection, as we “expand the kingdom of God one book at a time.”

Currently we have over 80 authors by the Assembly in print; and we have published over 300 individual volumes.

Puritan Publications came about as a necessary corollary of A Puritan’s Mind. A Puritan’s Mind was founded in 1997 as an internet website to expose the Christian community to works written by godly pastors and theologians from the 17th century. Puritan Publications was founded in 2005 with the purpose of distributing these biblical, sound, Reformed, experiential preachers and writers in a readable form both in print and in eBooks.

One of our best works is the 1647 Westminster Confession available in its original form (unedited and in its entirety including the subordinate standards).


Reformed Booksellers

Monergism Books

Online printed books through Amazon.

Reformation Heritage Books
Formed for the sole purpose of disseminating sound Christian literature world-wide.

Cumberland Valley Bible Book Distributors 
Online only. Various Christian books.

Sprinkle Publications

Crown & Covenant Publications
Resources for Exclusive Psalmody.

North Hampton Press
Don Kistler’s new site.

Naphtali Press
Publishes the Confessional Presbyterian.

Solid Ground Christian Books

Still Waters Revival Books
They sell books in “facsimile fashion” very cheap, and they are in Canada which affords US citizens a discount based on the exchange rate. They are also selling the Reformed and Puritan library on a digital drive. FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE for more info.

International Outreach

Grace and Truth Books

Covenant Media Foundation

Banner of Truth
The old faithful of book publishers, publishing reformed books.

This is a “great site” for antiquitous book collectors and those who have father Abraham’s money flow to buy one…

Geneva Bible
You can find a facsimile version of the Geneva Bible here. Kirk Cameron is now pressing people to buy it. (Hopefully he will actually read it and repent of his Arminianism!)

American Vision
American Vision’s books site.

Great Commission Publications
Homeschool publishing ministry of the Committee on Christian Education of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and the Committee for Christian Education & Publications of the Presbyterian Church in America.

Westminster Theological Books

P&R Publishing Company

Cambridge University Press

Peter Reynolds Bookseller

David C. Lachman Antiquarian Books

Stroud Booksellers
They sell antiquarian books.


Reformed Theology at A Puritan's Mind