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Jonathan Edwards' Works

Miscellaneous Writings of Jonathan Edwards
Today, many Christians are turning back to the puritans to, “walk in the old paths,” of God’s word, and to continue to proclaim old truth that glorifies Jesus Christ. There is no new theology. In our electronic age, more and more people are looking to add electronic books (ePubs, mobi and PDF formats) to their library – books from the Reformers and Puritans – in order to become a “digital puritan” themselves. Take a moment to visit Puritan Publications (click the banner below) to find the biggest selection of rare puritan works updated in modern English in both print form and in multiple electronic forms. There are new books published every month. All proceeds go to support A Puritan’s Mind.
How can you expect to dwell with God forever, if you so neglect and forsake him here?

Miscellaneous Observations on Important Theological Subjects, Edinburgh 1793.

PRESIDENT EDWARDS has left many manuscript volumes of observations, on almost all subjects in divinity, which either occurred to him from his own meditation, or from the books he read. He wrote these volumes, not with any design they should ever be published in their present form, but that he might retain thoughts which appear to him worth preserving, both for his own improvement, and for the instruction and edification of others. The judicious author of the life of this great and good man, gave his opinion, that, from these manuscripts, a number of volumes might be published, which, though more imperfect than if the author had prepared them for public view, would afford much new light and entertainment to the church of Christ. The high and well-merited reputation, not only of the books prepared for the press of the President, but of the sermons published since his death, have occasioned many solicitations to his son, Dr. Edwards of New Haven, to collect and print such part of those manuscripts as might be generally useful. In compliance with these requests, he has not grudged the labor of transcribing this volume of miscellanies, which, if it prove acceptable, will be followed by more, as the Doctor’s health and leisure permit.

Many important and original thoughts occur on the evidences of revealed religion — Moral and religious knowledge only from revelation — Christ and his apostles taught not that the last judgment was near — Jesus’ prophecies, a proof that he was the Christ, and that he was God — Propriety of the general judgment — Reasonableness of some particular doctrines — Miracles of Jesus not opposed by counterfeit miracles — Miracles of Jesus superior to those under the Old Testament — Much instruction concisely conveyed by scripture metaphors — Excellencies of scripture history — The Propriety of gradual improvement in understanding the Scriptures — The Propriety of room being left for discovering truth by Scripture consequences — The necessity of divine revelation vindicated — Jesus proved the Christ, from his destroying heathen idolatry according to scripture prophecy — Propagation of Mahometanism not parallel to that of Christianity — State of the Jewish nation, an evidence of revealed religion — Observations on Christ’s miracles. — Equally striking and judicious are many of the reflections on the mysteries of revelation — the Trinity and the Divinity of Christ. — Many therefore, who relish solid reasoning on religious subjects, though not adorned with the beauties of eloquence, will deem themselves much indebted to Dr. Edwards for gathering these fragments, that nothing might be lost.

Some, who have purchased and read Archbishop Tillotson’s sermons, Stapferi Theologia Polemica, Bennet’s Inspiration of the Scriptures, Grotius de Veritate Religionis Christianae, Sir Isaac Newton’s Chronology, Religion of Jesus Delineated, Deism Revealed, and Jones on the Canon, may possibly wish that the large quotations from them had been omitted. But Dr. Edwards was advised to publish them, as they may prove an antidote to the deistical notions spreading in some parts of America, where these books are in few hands. These passages may lead some to read these books, who otherwise would not have known them. The President’s originality of genius, and attachment to Calvinist principles, did not hinder his seeking and finding instruction in their writings, whose system of theology was very opposite to his. It were well, if in this he was imitated by all who possess distinguished talents, and who boast of liberality of sentiment.

Edin. Sept. 30, 1793

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Reformed Theology at A Puritan's Mind