500 Years of the Reformation - Martin Luther Burns the Papal Bull
The Magisterial Reformation - Post Tenebras Lux - Out of Darkness LightReading Should be Fun and Informative
The history of the Reformation is a demonstration of one of the greatest revolutions that has ever been accomplished in human affairs by the sovereignty of God. Many times such a broad range of history is difficult to wade through for the student who wishes to see God’s work through the complexity of His special providence. Do you wan to study the Reformation in an easy way? In this book, the Reformation is MADE EASY.
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Martin Luther burns the Pope’s Papal Bull of Excommunication at 9.00 a.m., 10th December, 1520 at Wittenberg.
“The burning of the Pope’s Bull of Excommunication was the boldest and most eventful act of Luther. Viewed in itself, it might indeed have been only an act of fanaticism and folly, and proved a brutal thunderbolt. But it was preceded and followed by heroic acts of faith in pulling down an old church, and building up a new one. It defied the greatest power on earth, before which emperors, kings, and princes, and all the nations of Europe bowed in reverence and awe. It was the fiery signal of absolute and final separation from Rome, and destroyed the effect of future papal bulls upon one-half of Western Christendom. It emancipated Luther and the entire Protestant world from that authority, which . . . had become a fearful and intolerable tyranny over the intellect and conscience of men.”
[Philip Schaff D.D., “History of the Reformation” from his “History of the Christian Church” 1888 edition.]