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Puritan Book Reviews - The Encyclopedia Puritannica Project

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Today, many Christians are turning back to the puritans to, “walk in the old paths,” of God’s word, and to continue to proclaim old truth that glorifies Jesus Christ. There is no new theology. In our electronic age, more and more people are looking to add electronic books (ePubs, mobi and PDF formats) to their library – books from the Reformers and Puritans – in order to become a “digital puritan” themselves. Take a moment to visit Puritan Publications (click the banner below) to find the biggest selection of rare puritan works updated in modern English in both print form and in multiple electronic forms. There are new books published every month. All proceeds go to support A Puritan’s Mind.

An electronic version of the some of the best Puritan and Reformed works.

Puritan Book Reviews – The Encyclopedia Puritannica Project
Reviewed by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon

The Encyclopedia Puritannica Project
by Steve Mouring and the EPP Project
Books in Software Form

There are a growing number of data-based programs and book collections coming to light throughout popular Christendom. Certainly such programs, data based CDs, and internet sites are exceedingly valuable since it makes research and writing much easier to cut and paste information from primary sources directly into the work. With the rise of Ages Software, Libronix and other programs, there comes a new data-based CD that houses a plethora of works for the Christian mind to soak up. In the Enclyclopedia Puritannica Project (EPP) some of the best Puritan and Reformed works are available in electronic form.

EPP 2.0 is not a program, perse. Certainly users of the CD will “think” they are using a program, but it is actually a browser based CD that displays information in a web based, or HTML format. In other words, you feel like you are on a web page or internet site when you are browsing the CD, which makes for ease of use. The result is that the information is formatted like a web page and all the information is created as a huge web site on CD.

The CD has cross-referencing which allows you to find every occurrence of a scripture reference in these Puritan and Reformed texts. Also, a helpful glossary of theological terms and antiquarian words helps to clarify difficult sentences for the modern reader who desires to learn more from the ancient wisdom of the Puritan’s Old English verbiage.

What I have found as most important , much like what we do here at APM with The Writings of A Puritan’s Mind CD collection, is that the EPP texts are faithfully reproduced from original printings
without changing sentence structure or page numbering. So the way you would have seen it in a book, so it is here reproduced. Also, they have corrected printing errors, such as misspelled words and invalid scripture references.

Even if you already own some of these books in printed form (as I personally own most of them), this CD will enhance your productivity if you are a student, writer, pastor, or theologian in having the ability to 1) access the information quickly, 2) search the information for words or phrases, and 3) transfer the information directly into your own written project, paper or sermon. It is MUCH easier to grab a book off your shelf, find the passage you want, and then cut and paste the text from the CD.

Some of my all-time favorite books are in this collection, such as: Edward’s Works, The Practice of Piety, Calvin’s Institutes, Riches Increased by Giving, Of Domestic Duties, and Pastoral Theology. Regularly just buying these books in printed form would cost me around $150 or more. But the CD contains 168 works for simply purchasing the electronic form for minimal dollars. One would be gaining a whole library in one transaction!

Are there “cons” to it? The two “cons” I found are minimal overall, and the first is really simply a matter of personal preference. Since the CD is web based, it looks like a web page with frames. For those familiar with internet web sites, “frame” website can be a bit “uninviting”, unaesthetic, and they generally turn me off. The CD reflects these aesthetics, but if you don’t mind frames, then you’ll love the CD. And one should consider that since this is not a program, but simply data, it was on purpose that the CD was compiled this way. Secondly, they have the Psalter listed (for those who sing psalms), but the CD does not come with midi or wav files to play or listen to the Psalter. It is simply the text of the Psalter. So you will not find yourself singing to music, or learning the tunes for the Psalter (something EPP may resolve at a later time). However, for the die-hard Exclusive psalmist that has been singing the Psalter for ages, that shouldn’t be a problem, since, after all, we don’t use instruments (or files that replicate them for that matter)!

This is a definite “must have” for the diligent Christian reader, pastor, seminary student, and theological writer. To purchase a copy of it visit their website at:

The texts and authors on the CD are as follows:

1. 12 Rules for Promoting Harmony, by Thomas Smyth
2. A Brief Compend of Bible Truth, by Archibald Alexander
3. A Caution About Baptism, by John Charles Ryle
4. A Gospel Glass, by Lewis Stuckley
5. A Sermon on Family Religion, by John L. Girardeau
6. A Short Catechism, by John (Haddington) Brown
7. A Sure Guide to Heaven, by Joseph Alleine
8. Abstract of Systematic Theology, by James Petigru Boyce
9. Anarchy in Worship, by James Begg
10. Articles of the Synod of Dort, by Thomas Scott
11. Backsliding: Disease and Cure, by Joel R. Beeke
12. Belgic Confession Three Forms of Unity Standards
13. Brook’s Works, Vol. 2, by Thomas Brooks
14. Call to Prayer, by John Charles Ryle
15. Calvin’s Commentary on Gensis, Vol. 1 of 2, by John Calvin
16. Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism, by John L. Girardeau
17. Calvinism in History, by N. S. McFetridge
18. Canons of Dordt Three Forms of Unity Standards
19. Characters in Pilgrim’s Progress, by Alexander Whyte
20. Checkered State of the Gospel Church, by Samuel Willard
21. Christ Our Penal Substitute, by Robert Lewis Dabney
22. Clerical Manners and Habits, by Samuel Miller
23. Comfortable Walking with God, by Robert Bolton
24. Commentary on the Confession of Faith, by Archibald Alexander Hodge
25. Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, by Zacharias Ursinus
26. Commentary on the Shorter Catechism, by Matthew Henry
27. Dabney’s Discussions, Vol. 1 of 5, by Robert Lewis Dabney
28. Deacon Awareness Roy Mohon
29. Directory for Family Worship Westminster Standards
30. Directory for Public Worship Westminster Standards
31. Doctrine in Verse, by Edward F. Hills
32. Edward’s Works, Vol. 1 of 2, by Jonathan Edwards
33. Edward’s Works, Vol. 2 of 2, by Jonathan Edwards
34. Elders that Rules Well, by John I. Armstrong
35. Elements of Moral Science, by John Leadley Dagg
36. Empancipation, A Poem, by Maltbie D. Babcock
37. Erskine’s Works, Vol. 1 of 6, by Ralph Erskine
38. Essay on Psalmody, by William Romaine
39. Essay on the Sabbath Day, by John W. Henderson
40. Existence and Attributes of God, by, Vol. 1 Stephen Charnock
41. Exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith, by Robert Shaw
42. Faith and Life, by Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield
43. Family Religion, by B. M. Smith
44. Fisher’s Catechism, Part 1 of 2, by Multiple Authors
45. Fisher’s Catechism, Part 2 of 2, by Multiple Authors
46. Five Points of Calvinism, by Robert Lewis Dabney
47. Forty Scripture Directions, by John Willison
48. Golden Scepter Held Forth to the Humble, by John Preston
49. Gospel Mystery of Sanctification, by Walter Marshall
50. Gospel Worship Vol. 1 of 2, by Archibald Hall
51. Gospel Worship Vol. 2 of 2, by Archibald Hall
52. Gray’s Works , byAndrew Gray
53. Head Coverings in the Worship, by of God John Murray
54. Heidelberg Catechism Three Forms of Unity Standards
55. Help in Time of Need, by Octavius Winslow
56. Henry’s Commentary, Vol. 1 of 6, by Matthew Henry
57. Henry’s Commentary, Vol. 2 of 6, by Matthew Henry
58. Henry’s Commentary, Vol. 3 of 6, by Matthew Henry
59. Henry’s Commentary, Vol. 4 of 6, by Matthew Henry
60. Henry’s Commentary, Vol. 5 of 6, by Matthew Henry
61. Henry’s Commentary, Vol. 6 of 6, by Matthew Henry
62. History of the Westminster Assembly, by William Maxwell Hetherington
63. Human Nature in its Fourfold State (Works, Vol. 8), by Thomas Boston
64. Hymns and Hymnbooks, by James Dick
65. Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 1, by John Calvin
66. Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 2, by John Calvin
67. Instrumental Music in Christian Worship, by Robert Nevin
68. Instrumental Music in Public Worship, by John L. Girardeau
69. Jehovah Shepherding His Sheep, by Joel R. Beeke
70. King James Version Defended, by Edward F. Hills
71. Larger Catechism Westminster Standards
72. Lectures on the Shorter Catechism, Vol. 1 of 2, by Ashbel Green
73. Lectures on the Shorter Catechism, Vol. 2 of 2, by Ashbel Green
74. Life and Conversion of Mohammed Ali Bey South Presbyterian
75. Life and Power of True Godliness, by Alexander McLeod
76. Makes His Praise Glorious, by Roy Mohon
77. Manton’s Works, Vol. 1 of 22, by Thomas Manton
78. Manton’s Works, Vol. 2 of 22, by Thomas Manton
79. Manton’s Works, Vol. 3 of 22, by Thomas Manton
80. Manual of Theology, by John Leadley Dagg
81. May Sabbath Keeping Prevent Church, by Going William Matheson
82. Memorial of Dr. Francis Sampson, by Robert Lewis Dabney
83. Memorial of John T. Thornton, by Robert Lewis Dabney
84. Messiah the Prince, by William Symington
85. Messiah, Governor of the Nations, by Alexander McLeod
86. Minority Report on Psalmody, by John Murray
87. Monitory Letters to Church Members North Presbyterian
88. Monthly Concert in Prayer, by Samuel Miller
89. Morning Exercises, by William Jay
90. Morning Thoughts, by Octavius Winslow
91. Morning and Evening, by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
92. Nave’s Topical Bible, by Orville J. Nave
93. Not Forgotten and Family Government, by Robert M. McCheyne
94. Of Domestic Duties, by William Gouge
95. On Justification, by M. Henry Balnaves
96. On the Right of Females to Vote, by Thomas McCrie
97. Owen’s Works, Vol. 1 of 16, by John Owen
98. Pastoral Theology, by Thomas Murphy
99. Pictures of Christ, by John Murray
100. Plain Man’s Pathway to Heaven, by Arthur Dent
101. Poole’s Commentary, Vol. 1 of 3, by Matthew Poole
102. Poole’s Commentary, Vol. 2 of 3, by Matthew Poole
103. Poole’s Commentary, Vol. 3 of 3, by Matthew Poole
104. Practice of Piety, by Lewis Bayly
105. Preface to the Psalter John, by (Haddington) Brown
106. Primitive Purity, by Joseph Perkins
107. Prospect of Heaven, by Thomas Case
108. Psalms the Heart of the Bible, by Multiple Authors
109. Puritan Reformed Spirituality, by Joel R. Beeke
110. Questions on Bible Doctrine, by James B. Ramsey
111. Questions on Old Testament History, by Robert Lewis Dabney
112. Reading Scripture with Profit, by Richard Grenham
113. Reading Scripture with Profit, by Thomas Watson
114. Reformed Doctrine of Infant Baptism, by Floyd E. Hamilton
115. Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, by Loraine Boettner
116. Reformed Faith, by Loraine Boettner
117. Religion in the Home, by Walter W. Moore
118. Remedy for Wandering Thoughts in Worship, by Richard Steele
119. Restricted Communion, by John Murray
120. Review of Theodosia Ernest, by Robert Lewis Dabney
121. Riches Increased by Giving, by Thomas Gouge
122. Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, by Philip Doddridge
123. Roman Catholicism, by Loraine Boettner
124. Ruling Elder Awareness, by Roy Mohon
125. Scripture Promises, by Samuel Clarke
126. Secret Prayer Successfully Managed, by Samuel Lee
127. Shorter Catechism Westminster Standards
128. Shorter Catechism Explained, by Thomas Vincent
129. Sibbe’s Works, Vol. 1 of 7, by Richard Sibbes
130. Solemn Call to Parents, by Robert M. McCheyne
131. Spiritual Theology, by Roy Mohon
132. Studies in Theology, by Loraine Boettner
133. Swinnock’s Works, Vol. 1 of 5, by George Swinnock
134. Swinnock’s Works, Vol. 2 of 5, by George Swinnock
135. Swinnock’s Works, Vol. 3 of 5, by George Swinnock
136. Swinnock’s Works, Vol. 4 of 5, by George Swinnock
137. Swinnock’s Works, Vol. 5 of 5, by George Swinnock
138. Systematic Theology, by John (Haddington) Brown
139. Systematic Theology, Vol.1 of 3, by Charles Hodge
140. The African Servant, by Legh Richmond
141. The Almost Christian Discovered, by Matthew Mead
142. The Apostolic Church, by Thomas Witherow
143. The Assembly’s Shorter Catechism, by John Whitecross
144. The Cause of God and Truth, Vol. 1 of 4, by John Gill
145. The Christian in Complete Armour, Vol. 1 of 2, by William Gurnall
146. The Christian’s Daily Walk, by Henry Scudder
147. The Christian’s Great Interest, by William Guthrie
148. The Destruction of Jerusalem North Presbyterian
149. The Family Altar, by Multiple Authors
150. The Family in Its Civil and Churchly Aspects, by Benjamin Morgan Palmer
151. The Gospel as Taught by Calvin, by Richard Clark Reed
152. The Presbyterian Faith, by George W. Belk
153. The Psalms in Worship North Presbyterian
154. The Religious Tradesman, by Richard Steele
155. The Sabbath Defended, by James Gilfillan
156. The Still Hour, by Austin Phelps
157. The Street Preacher (Autobiography), by Robert Flockhart
158. Thoughts on Family-Worship, by James W. Alexander
159. Thoughts on Public Prayer, by Samuel Miller
160. Thoughts on Religious Experience, by Archibald Alexander
161. Time for Secret Prayer, by Thomas Brooks
162. Touchstone of Sincerity, by Thomas Brooks
163. Treatise on Afflictions, by Thomas Case
164. True Scripture Doctrine, by Jonathan Dickinson
165. Warfield’s Works, Vol. 1, by Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield
166. Warrant, Nature and Duties of the Ruling Elder, by Samuel Miller
167. Westminster Confession of Faith Westminster Standards
168. William the Baptist, by James M. Chaney

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