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The Soul

Scientific Writings by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)

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The Soul – Edwards talks about the makeup of the soul.

I am informed that you have advan[c]ed a notion that Soul is matereal & keeps wth ye body till ye resur[e]ction as I am a profes’t Lover of Novelty you Must allow me to be much entertain’d by this discovery wch however old in some parts of ye world is new in this I am informed that you have advanced an Notion that the Soul is materiall & attends Ye body till ye resurection as I am a profest Lover of novelty you must immagin I am very much entertained by this discovery (wch however in some Parts of ye world is new to us) but suffer my Curiosity a Littel further I wd know ye manner of ye kingdom before I swear alegance 1st I wd know whether this materiall Soul keeps wth in ye Coffin and if so whether it might not be convenient to build a repository for it in order to wch I wd know wt Shape it is of whether round triangular or fore square or whethe[r] is it a number of Long fine strings reaching from ye head to ye foot and whether, it dus not Live a very discontented Life I am afraid when ye Coffin Gives way ye earth will fall in and Crush it but if should Chuse to Live above Ground and hover about ye grave how big is it whether it Covers all ye body or is assined to ye head or breast or how it Covers all ye body wt it dus when another body is Laid upon that whether ye 1st First Gives way and if so where is ye place of retreat but soppose ye Souls are not so big but that 10 or a dozen of you may be about one body whether yy will not Quarril for ye highest place and as I insist much upon my honnour and property I wd know wher I must Quit my dear head if a Superior Soul Comes in ye way but above all I am Consearned to know wt they do where a Bureing Place has bin filled 20 30 or 100 times if they are a top of one another ye uppermost will be so far of that it Can take no Care of ye body I strongly susspect they must march of[f] every time there Comes anew Set I hope ther is some Good place provided for them but dupt [d(o)ubt] ye undergoing so much hard Ship & being deprived of ye body at Last will make them ill temper’d I Live it wth your phisicall Genus to determin whether some medesinall applications might not be proper in such Cases and subscrib your proselite when I can have solution of these maters.

Consider the following two works by Edwards that have been updated and republished for easy reading:

Ripe for Damnation: Sermons on the Book of Revelation – by Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758). Are you hungry for more of Edwards’ sermons? On the book of Revelation? These new works are not found anywhere on A Puritan’s Mind, and there are new ones not found in his large 2 volume works. 4 deal with the plight of the wicked, and 2 deal with the bliss of saints in heaven. These sermons are powerful, practical, and biblical, glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ, and contain 2 never before published sermons.

Justification by Faith Alone – by Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758). In this classic work, Edwards covers the intricacies of how believers are made righteous only through Christ’s merits, and that this justifying righteousness is equally imputed to all elect believers. This is accomplished by the condition of faith as an instrument.

Reformed Theology at A Puritan's Mind