Few There Be That Find It
The Sermons of Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)Today, many Christians are turning back to the puritans to, “walk in the old paths,” of God’s word, and to continue to proclaim old truth that glorifies Jesus Christ. There is no new theology. In our electronic age, more and more people are looking to add electronic books (ePubs, mobi and PDF formats) to their library – books from the Reformers and Puritans – in order to become a “digital puritan” themselves. Take a moment to visit Puritan Publications (click the banner below) to find the biggest selection of rare puritan works updated in modern English in both print form and in multiple electronic forms. There are new books published every month. All proceeds go to support A Puritan’s Mind.
Not dated.
Matthew 7:14, “Few there be that find it.”
Doc[trine.] ’Tis a hard thing to find the right way to Heaven.
I. There is a way to Heaven.
God has opened a door.
II. There is but one right way.
III. ’Tis a hard thing to find this one right way.
Appears: In that there are so few that find the way.
Tho[ugh] all have so much need to find.
Tho[ugh] so many desire to find and seek after it.
Tho[ugh] so many think they have found.
…………….so many are mistaken.
That many of those that do find it, first take a great deal of pains.
Some for a long time.
Many prayers.
Many difficulties.
Reason: Negatively, not that [God] hasn’t [has not] called us.
“ “ very plain in itself.
Many wrong ways.
Like traveling through a great wilderness.
Full of difficulties…dangers….
But one right way.
[A] narrow way.
Many wrong ways.
Mention some of the wrong ways.
Do right in some things only.
Outward Religion only.
Affections that go away.
Religious out of regard to men.
Religious only out of fear of hell.
……..from self-love.
Don’t love God for Himself.
Trust in their own righteousness.
Depend on the good opinion of others.
Apt to think themselves convicted when they are not.
High pride: apt to think well of themselves.
A little good looks great.
Don’t see what is bad.
How many things men often think are Conversion.
2. Men’s own lust blind[s] ’em.
The way is good and plain.
Right way is what men don’t like.
Contrary to all their lusts.
….. to their pride.
….. to their worldliness.
…………….. sensuality.
…………….. slothfulness.
Enmity against God.
Wrong ways are
3. Devils.
Blind them and deceive them.
4. Things of this world blind ’em.
5. Wicked men implead (?) ’em.
What a great mercy to have the Word of God.
Mercy that God has appointed ministers.
Great need of Prayer —
Never without God’s help.
Don’t trust… v. 22…
What need of God’s power and striving.
Pray earnestly.
Not trust…..[As above, v. 22.]
Take advice.
Begin soon.
Hold on and hold out.
Don’t take hope too soon.
In every thing follow the Word of God.
You need to be much concerned.
Consider the following two works by Edwards that have been updated and republished for easy reading:
Ripe for Damnation: Sermons on the Book of Revelation – by Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758). Are you hungry for more of Edwards’ sermons? On the book of Revelation? These new works are not found anywhere on A Puritan’s Mind, and there are new ones not found in his large 2 volume works. 4 deal with the plight of the wicked, and 2 deal with the bliss of saints in heaven. These sermons are powerful, practical, and biblical, glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ, and contain 2 never before published sermons.
Justification by Faith Alone – by Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758). In this classic work, Edwards covers the intricacies of how believers are made righteous only through Christ’s merits, and that this justifying righteousness is equally imputed to all elect believers. This is accomplished by the condition of faith as an instrument.