John Ball Explains Godly Meditation
What the Bible says about Godly Meditation through the WordCheck out these works on Divine Meditation.
Ball, John (1585-1640). A Treatise of Divine Meditation, (Crossville: Puritan Publications, 2016).
What the word meditation signifies.
How meditation and prayer differ.
Reasons showing the necessity of meditation.
Who is bound to use this exercise?
What the matter or subject of our meditation ought to be.
What the fruits, effects, and benefits of meditation are.
What use we are to make of this point.
What superficial and careless thinking on some points is.
What the lets and impediments of this duty are.
How the first impediment is removed.
What a second let or impediment is.
How it is to be remedied.
What a fourth let is.
How it is to be remedied.
What should move us to be careful to take time for this duty.
What things hinder the fruitful performance of this duty.
How these abuses are to be remedied.
What the sorts and kinds of meditation are.
What is occasional meditation?
What rules are to be noted touching this extemporary meditation?
What are the benefits of extemporary meditation?
How should a man fit himself for extemporary meditation?
What is solemn, or settled meditation?
What motives should persuade Christians to set on this duty?
What things must be looked to that this exercise might be taken in hand with good success?
What rules are to be observed touching the choice of matter?
What we must do if our heart is so barren that we cannot call to mind anything that has been taught, nor remember any mercy we have received?
What particular meditations concerning duties to be performed or practiced, may we find commended to us in the writings of godly men?
What place is fit for meditation?
What they must do that have no room to be alone.
What time must be set apart for meditation?
What is to be said to those that pretend a multitude of worldly business to excuse the omission and neglect of this exercise?
What course must be held to redeem the time out of the world for meditation?
How we must make entrance into this exercise.
In what order we must proceed after the entrance.
What must be observed for the conclusion of this exercise?
How we must meditate on God’s infinite excellency.
How we must proceed in this meditation.
How these things are to be applied upon the heart and pressed upon the soul.
How we are to proceed in meditation of the holy angels.
How these things are to be pressed, and applied unto the heart.
How we are to meditate on man’s excellency.
How it is to be applied unto the heart for the quickening of the affection.
How we are to meditate on God’s infinite greatness.
How it is to be applied to the heart.
How we are to meditate on the love of God.
How it must be applied to the heart.
How we are to meditate on the fall of our first parents.
How it is to be applied unto the heart.
How we are to meditate on sin.
How it is to be pressed on the heart.
How we are to meditate on the work of redemption.
How it is to be applied to the heart.
How we are to meditate on the resurrection of Christ.
How it is to be pressed on the heart.