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Thomas Hill (d. 1653)

An English Puritan and prolific writer against popery and Arminianism.

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His Works:

The Works of Thomas Hill available in old English:

  1. The trade of truth advanced. In a sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons, at their solemne fast, Iuly 27. 1642. By Thomas Hill, B.D. Pastor of the Church at Tychmersh in the countie of Northampton. Published by order of that House. London: printed by I. L[egate]. for Iohn Bellamie, Philemon Stephens, and Ralph Smith, 1642.
  2. The militant church, triumphant over the dragon and his angels. Presented in a sermon, preached to both Houses of Parliament assembled on Friday the 21. of July, 1643. Being an extraordinary day of publik humiliation appointed by them, throughout London and Westminster, that every one might bitterly bewaile his own sins, and cry mightily unto God for Christ his sake, to remove his wrath, and heale the land. By Tho. Hill, B.D. sometimes Fellow of Emman. Coll. in Cambridge, and now Pastor at Tychmersh in the county of Northampton. Published by order of both Houses of Parliament. London: printed for John Bellamie and Ralph Smith, and are to be sold at their shop, at the three golden Lions in Cornhill neare the royall Exchange, 1643.
  3. The good old vvay, Gods way, to soule-refreshing rest: discovered in a sermon preached to the Right Honorable the Lord Maior and court of aldermen of the citie of London, at their anniversary meeting on Wednesday in Easter weeke at Christ-Church, Apr. 24. 1644. Being th day of the monethly publike fast. By Thomas Hill B.D. Pastor of Tychmersh in Northampton-shire. Imprimatur, Charles Herle. London: printed by Ric. Cotes, for John Bellamie and Philemon Stephens, 1644.
  4. The season for Englands selfe-reflection, and advancing temple-work: discovered in a sermon preached to the two Houses of Parliament; at Margarets Westminster, Aug. 13. 1644. being an extraordinary day of humiliation. By Thomas Hill B.D. pastor at Tychmersh in Northamptonshire, a member of the Assembly of Divines. London: printed by Richard Cotes, for John Bellamy, and Philemon Stephens, 1644.
  5. The right separation incouraged; in a sermon preached to the Right Honorable the House of Lords, in the Abbey-Church at Westminster, on Wednesday, Novem. 27. 1644. being the day of the monethly publick fast. By Thomas Hill, B.D. pastor of Tychmersh in Northamptonshire, and one of the members of the Assembly of Divines. London: printed by R. Cotes, for John Bellamy, and Philemon Stephens, 1645.
  6. Six sermons of Thomas Hill D.D. Master of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge; viz. I. The beauty and sweetness of an olive-branch of peace and brotherly accommodation budding. II. Truth and love happily married in the saints, and in the churches of Christ. III. The spring of strengthning grace in the rock of ages, Christ Iesus. IV. The strength of the saints to make Iesus Christ their strength. V. The best and worst of Paul. VI. Gods eternal preparations for his dying saints. London: printed for Peter Cole, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Printing-press in Cornhil near the Royal Exchange, Richard Westbrook, 1649.
  7. An olive branch of peace and accommodation (1648) by Thomas Hill
  8. God’s eternal preparations for his dying saints (1648) by Thomas Hill
  9. The best and worst of Paul, and his character in both conditions (1648) by Thomas Hill
  10. The spring of strengthning grace in the Rock of Ages (1648) by Thomas Hill
  11. The strength of the saints to make Jesvs Christ their strength (1648) by Thomas Hill
  12. Truth and love happily married in the saints, and in the churches of Christ the contract drawn (148) by Thomas Hill

Biography of Thomas Hill (died 1653):

(Detailed account: here.)

Thomas Hill (died 1653) was an English Puritan divine. Born at Kington, Herefordshire, he took a B.A. in 1622 at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, an M.A. in 1626, a B.D. in 1633 and a D.D. in 1646. He was of Hart-hall, Oxford, and a popular preacher in the university. He was zealous in the advancement of truth, and in opposition to error; yet he discovered great moderation. Having preached a sermon from James 1:16. in St. Mary’s church, May 24, 1631, he made the following observations: ” Were my time and learning parallel to my zeal, what a tempting doth here present itself, to shew how rashly (I say not cruelly) our Pelagian votaries have handled the decrees and statutes of the King of heaven. But they are to be mischief into honor, (no matter how,) which tempts them to disrelish sound doctrine on no other ground than did David, because the lords do not favour it. 1. Sam. 29:6. Scripture they use worse than the Turks do Christians at Tunis; enslave it to the vassalage of the foulest error; and, according to their most current garb, employ it to defend popery, or, as bad, Pelagianism. Popish darts, whet afresh on a Dutch grindstone, have pierced deep, and, without succor, will prove mortal. I am persuaded these late transmarine tenets had not been so joyous and brief among us, nor the opposite truth so diametrically condemned by many, had they first made proof of these points in their own retired and serious contemplations.”

For these slight glances at popery and Arminianism, he was, by the instigation of Bishop Laud, convened before the vice-chancellor and heads of houses, when he was required to make the following degrading recantation, in a full convocation, on his bended knees :t—”I, Thomas Hill, ” do freely and sincerely acknowledge before this venerable ” assembly of convocation, that in a sermon lately by me. ” preached in St. Mary’s, I did let fall divers scandalous ” speeches, partly in opposition to his majesty’s injunctions, ” by odious just ling together the names of certain factions ” in the church, and imputing Pelagianism and popery to ” the one side: partly in disparagement of the present ” government of state and church, by making foul and ” erroneous opinions the readiest steps now a days to pre” ferment. As also in disparaging the whole order of “bishops, in point of learning and religion, making them ” favourers of unsound and erroneous doctrine, and disfavourers of sound doctrine. As likewise in imputing to ” a great part of our clergy, only politic and lunatic religion: ” besides private glances against particular persons, concerning some speeches delivered in their fate sermons. ” In all which passages in my sermon, I confess to have u given just offence to the university, and to deserve the ” sharpest censures. Wherefore, with all humble sub” mission, I beseech the whole university, represented in ” this venerable house, to pass by this my wilful error of ” undiscreet and misguided zeal, and do faithfully promise ” henceforward to abstain from all such scandalous aspersions and intimations, as tending only to the disparagement ” of the church, and the distraction and disquiet of the ” university. And this my submission I humbly crave may ” be accepted, which I do here make willingly, and from ” my heart, with true sorrow for what is past.

“ Thomas Hill.” It appears from the records of the university, that Mr. Hill made the above recantation, July 16, 1631, when he was no doubt released from the hands of his cruel oppressors. There was another puritan divine of the same name, who lived at the same time, was doctor in divinity, and a person of distinguished eminence in his day. (Prynne’s Cant. Doome, p. 173. Ibid. p. 174.—Wharton’s Troubles of Land, vol. ii. p. 5I.)



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