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Thomas Valentine B.D. (1586-1665)

A Great Preacher and Reformed Westminster Puritan
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“Patience is a quiet silent temper of soul, by which we submit to God in all our crosses.” – Thomas Valentine

His Works:

The Church’s Need of Jesus Christ by Thomas Valentine (1586-1665) – eBook
Buy print books HERE

The Works of Thomas Valentine B.D. (1586-1665) available in old English: (Puritan Publications has published all of Valentines known works.)

a. A sermon from Zephaniah 3:8, before the house of Commons, at their Fast, Dec. 28th, 1642, 4to. London 1643.
b. A Charge Against the Jews, and the Christian World, for not coming to Christ, who would have freely given them Eternal Life; a sermon before the Peers from John 5:40, at Westminster’s Fast, May 26, 1667, London 1647.
c. Christ’s Counsel to Poor and Naked Souls, a sermon from Revelation 3:18, before the Commons, Fast Day, Sept. 29, 1647, London 1647.
And other sermons.

Biography of Thomas Valentine B.D. (1586-1665):

Thomas Valentine was a great sufferer of truth, in the cause of nonconformity. He felt the shocking oppression and cruelty of the ruling prelates in England in his time. In the year 1633, when the King, by recommendation of the Laud, republished the “Book of Sports” for the encouragement of recreations and pastimes on the Lord’s Day, he and his brethren felt the iron rod of the tyrannical oppressors. This profane book opened a floodgate to every manner of sin and was the unhappy instrument of very great oppression to many eminently pious and learned divines, and to great numbers of his Majesty’s best subjects. The ruling prelates, though not authorized by law, required the clergy to read that book publically before the congregation. The Puritans refused to read it, and were suspended, and subjected to great sufferings, for their refusal. Dr. Calamy informs us that Mr. Valentine was suspended by Sir John Lamb, Dean of the Arches, for not reading the Book of Sports, and we are also told that Mr. Wroth and Mr. Erbery from Wales, Mr. James from Gloucestershire, and Mr. Thomas Valentine, minister of Chalfont St. Giles, with many others, were brought from various parts of the country and persecuted in the High Commission (See Brook’s “Lives of the Puritans,” volume I, Introduction, pages 77-78). Mr. Valentine was afterward appointed one of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, and is represented as constantly attending during the session. He has some sermons extant which he preached before Long Parliament. Dr. Calamy says that he was “a very popular and taking preacher.” He was ejected from Chalfont St. Giles in the country of Bucks, by the Act of Uniformity (See Dr. Calamy’s “Account”, volume 2). From what Mr. Valentine published to the world, he appears to have been a very sweet evangelical preacher, and a divine of considerable talents and learning. His sermons have been seen throughout different parts of Scotland.


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