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Thomas Temple (1603–1661)

A Faithful Member of the Westminster Assembly.
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His Works:

Christ’s government in and over his people. Delivered in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons (1642) by Thomas Temple


Biography of Thomas Temple:

Thomas Temple was brother to Sir John Temple, Master of the Rolls, and one of his Majesty’s Privy Council in Ireland. He was M. A. and sometime Fellow of Trinity-College, Dublin. He afterward resided for some time in Lincoln-College, Oxford. Wood says, that he continued not long in Lincoln-College. He was settled first at Winwick in Northamptonshire, then at Battersea, in the county of Surrey. At this last place he was labouring in the year 1639, having Mr Samuel Wells for his assistant. Upon the commencement of the civil war, he espoused the cause of the Parliament.

In the year 1643, he was appointed one of the Licensers of the Press for Books of Divinity, and chosen to be one of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster; and he is said to have constantly attended during the session. He was appointed one of the Select Committee for the examination and approbation of those ministers who petitioned for sequestered livings. In the year 1645, he was chosen one of the Committee of Accommodation. In each of these public and important offices, he was eminently distinguished by his great learning and moderation. In the year 1648, he readily united with his brethren, the London ministers, in their declaration and protestation against the death of the King.

Wood says that he was “a forward preacher; and a frequent preacher before the members of the Long Parliament, and that he has certain sermons in print which he preached before the said members.”* I have seen one of his sermons, which is entitled, Christ’s Government tt and over his People, from Psalm ii. 6, delivered before the Honourable House of Commons, at their Public Fast, Oct. 26th, 1642. 4to. pp. 50. Lond. 1642. An excellent sermon. I have seen it in London, and in different parts of Scotland.-—Dr Temple is said to have been a learned divine ; but we have not been able to receive any more information respecting him, nor to say when he died.

(a Wood’s Athens Oxon, vol. i. Neal and Brook’s Puritans, vol. Life and Writings of Thomas Temple. 18S)


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